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Fig. 7 | BMC Biology

Fig. 7

From: Prefoldin 2 contributes to mitochondrial morphology and function

Fig. 7

Pfd2 physically interacts with Tom70. A Cells that lacked PFD2 were transformed with a plasmid that expressed PFD2-HA or an empty vector. Cells were grown on selective minimal medium that contained glycerol at 25 °C to the logarithmic growth phase and shifted to 37 °C for 4 h. Equal volume of the input and elution fractions of the immunoprecipitation experiment was separated on SDS-PAGE and analyzed by Western blot against specific antibodies. The experiment was repeated three times. “neg. control” (negative control) in the elution fraction indicates that the lysate was incubated with beads not coupled with antibodies. Uncropped blots are presented as source data in the Additional file 13. B Quantification of signal for Tom70 in the elution fraction. The data are expressed as the mean ± SEM. n = 3. C Ten-fold dilutions of wildtype cells, Δtom70, Δpfd2 and double deletion of Δtom70 Δpfd2 were spotted on minimal medium plates containing glycerol or glucose. Cells were grown at indicated temperatures for 2–5 days. For the double deletion three different strains (#1, #2, #3) are shown that were maintained after genetic manipulation. Experiment was performed twice with each two technical repetitions with consistent results. WT, wild type

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