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Fig. 4. | BMC Biology

Fig. 4.

From: Genome-wide methylome stability and parental effects in the worldwide distributed Lombardy poplar

Fig. 4.

A Genes in differentially methylated regions (DMRs) per sequence context in gene bodies and in promoters. Samples of 16 individual Lombardy poplars grown in a common environment were grouped based on their common ortet; “HUN4,” “ITS3,” “SPC1,” “UKD2” located in Hungary, Italy, Spain, and the UK, respectively. Different colors represent different pairwise comparisons between groups. B Gene ontology classification. Bar chart representing the functional categorization of the annotated DMRs (p < 0.05, category; biological process) per sequence context in gene bodies and in promoters. Information on the ortets is given in Table 1

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