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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: Migrasomal autophagosomes relieve endoplasmic reticulum stress in glioblastoma cells

Fig. 1

Identifying the presence of autophagosomes within retraction fiber & migrasome (R&M) of glioblastoma cells. A Purification procedures of tumor-derived extracellular vesicle (EV) and R&M. Both samples are purified and further analyzed using liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS, Orbitrap Exploris 480, triple technical replicates). Samples were divided into three-technically replicated subsamples. For database searching and processing, we searched mapped protein sequences against SwissProt database (release v2019_06) and Proteome discoverer v2.2. B Nanoparticle tracking analysis used for quantifying and qualifying both EV and R&M. Three biological replicates were used for analysis. C Principal component analysis (PCA) shows that EVs and R&Ms have proteins with a distinctly different composition. PCA was performed using relative protein abundance values. The raw values of each protein abundance were converted to log2 values. Then, the amount of protein was corrected using the width adjustment method

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