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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: A combination of conserved and diverged responses underlies Theobroma cacao’s defense response to Phytophthora palmivora

Fig. 3

Common functional groups underlie different sets of pathogen-responsive genes. A Enriched GO terms (Fisher’s exact test: FDR-adjusted p-value < 0.05) and their median fold change for P. palmivora treatment versus control. Colored points indicate population membership: Guiana (blue), Iquitos (red), Marañón (green), or Nanay (orange). Point size is scaled to median fold change for the differentially expressed genes belonging to that term. B Enriched GO terms (Fisher’s exact test: FDR-adjusted p-value < 0.05) and their median fold change for resistant versus susceptible genotypes. Colored points indicate population membership: Guiana (blue), Iquitos (red), Marañón (green), or Nanay (orange). Point size is scaled to median fold change for the differentially expressed genes belonging to that term. C The percentage of genes from each population that are unique, calculated for each GO term that is enriched in all four populations. Terms that are significantly enriched in P. palmivora treatment versus control are on top, and terms that are significantly enriched in resistant versus susceptible genotypes are on bottom. Each point represents the proportion of differentially expressed genes belonging to a single GO term (indicated by color) that are unique to each population. For instance, Guiana has 22 differentially expressed genes in GO:0009834, 5 of which are not differentially expressed in any other population (5/22 = 22.7%). Means are shown as open diamonds

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