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Fig. 6 | BMC Biology

Fig. 6

From: DNA methylation haplotype block signatures responding to Staphylococcus aureus subclinical mastitis and association with production and health traits

Fig. 6

Candidate discriminant signatures related to S. aureus subclinical mastitis. A The plot at the top is based on all GE-dMHBs that collocated at regulatory regions and significantly correlated with their overlapped differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The plot at the bottom shows only GE-dMHBs that overlapped with promoters (pro-GE-dMHBs) and their corresponding DEGs. For each plot, the upper diagonal represents the first component and the lower diagonal the Pearson correlation between each component. B, C Circos plot showing the correlation between discriminant signatures from the data set of all GE-dMHBs (B) and only pro-GE-dMHBs (C). Positive (r > 0.7) and negative (r < -0.7) correlations are indicated by red and blue links, respectively. The external lines display the relative expression/methylation levels of discriminant signatures with respect to each outcome category. The yellow and blue lines represent the gene expression/methylation levels of S. aureus‑positive (SAP) and healthy control (HC) groups, respectively, and the outer line represents the higher level. D, E Clustered Image Map (Euclidean distance, Complete linkage) of the discriminant signatures (GE-dMHBs and DEGs) from the data set of all GE-dMHBs (D) and only pro-GE-dMHBs (E). Samples are displayed in rows and discriminant signatures in columns. Detailed data on the depicted findings are found in Supplementary Table 16

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