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Fig. 6 | BMC Biology

Fig. 6

From: Differentiated adaptative genetic architecture and language-related demographical history in South China inferred from 619 genomes from 56 populations

Fig. 6

Demographic history of five indigenous communities and GPH in Guangxi. a 619 modern individuals covering six ethnic groups were projected onto the first two principal components. b K = 4 clustering analysis of six distinct cultural communities from the Guangxi Province using the ADMIXTURE method. c Inferred phylogenetic tree with one migration event. The migration arrow is assigned with appropriate weights. d The heatmap of pairwise Fst between GPH and five aboriginal groups of Guangxi. This shows the pattern of genetic closeness among six ethnic populations from the same geographic regions. e Heat map of the average length of paired IBD shared between populations. f Comparison of the long ROH (10–20 Mb) between populations. g Fine-scale population structure reconstructed based on the shared haplotypes. ADMIXTURE plot (K = 3 and K = 4) for 619 modern individuals, spanning six populations. Abbreviations of population names: Jing, Guangxi Jing; Sui, Guangxi Sui; Yao, Guangxi Yao; Zhuang, Guangxi Zhuang; GPH1, Guangxi Pinghua Han1; GPH2, Guangxi Pinghua Han2; HM1, Guangxi Miao1; HM2, Guangxi Miao2

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