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Fig. 7 | BMC Biology

Fig. 7

From: Differentiated adaptative genetic architecture and language-related demographical history in South China inferred from 619 genomes from 56 populations

Fig. 7

Positive selection and medical relevant variation in Guangxi. a The upset plot of population-specific natural selection signals using PBS in the form of (GPH/Zhuang/Miao/Yao/Sui/Jing_Guangxi-Han_Changchun-European). The upper bar represents the number of gene intersections between populations and population-specific genes. The bar graph on the left represents the original number of genes in the population. Black dots represent different populations, and black lines indicate gene sharing between two populations. FADS2 was selected in the Zhuang, Yao, Sui, and Jing populations. b Regional plot for the top-ranked SNP rs174570 located in the FADS2 gene, on chromosome 11. The concerning adaptive variant (rs174570) is marked, while other SNPs are colored based on the pairwise linkage disequilibrium with the target variant. c–e Geography distribution of genetic variants at rs174570, rs174547 and rs1535. These figures show the frequency distribution of FADS2 (rs174570 C/T and rs1535 G/A) and FADS1 (rs174547 C/T) and associated alleles based on the 10K_CPGDP database. The frequencies of Inuit and Flores were obtained from previously published studies. The ancestral allele (AA) was annotated using VEP [64]. f Distribution of medically relevant variation alleles across six ethnic cultural communities in Guangxi. In each group, the bar graphs indicate the corresponding proportions of the selected complex diseases or traits related alleles (the frequency of these five variants were zero in Miao_Guangxi group)

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