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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: MAPK-dependent control of mitotic progression in S. pombe

Fig. 1

 pmk1Δ cells display increased sensitivity to MBC and defective mitotic arrest. A Left: Schematic representation of the CIP and SAPK MAPK modules. Right: Spot growth assay of the indicated strains and conditions. B–D Spot growth assay of the indicated strains and conditions. Representative example of three independent experiments. E Average times from SPB separation until metaphase to anaphase transition is indicated for each strain. Sid2-GFP was used as an SPB marker.  Error bars indicate the standard deviation (SD) of two independent repetitions (n=30 cells). The asterisk denotes statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) and n.s.: not significant (p > 0.05). F Rate of minichromosome loss per cell division of the indicated strains. Total number of colonies counted from two independent experiments are in parenthesis. G Representative example of mitotic arrest assay of the indicated strains in the nda3-KM311 background. Percentage of septation is shown as readout of mitotic exit/leakage; n=200 cells was quantitated for each strain and time point from two independent experiments. H Spot growth assay of the indicated strains in the presence of increasing concentration of MBC. Representative example of three independent experiments. I Representative example of mitotic arrest assay of the indicated strains. To gain further synchrony cells were pre synchronized with HU for 3h at 30°C, and then released at restrictive temperature (18°C) after HU washout. Percentage of septation is shown as readout of mitotic exit/leakage; n=200 cells were quantitated for each strain and time point from two independent experiments. J Representative example of mitotic arrest assay of the indicated strains. Percentage of septation is shown as readout of mitotic exit/leakage; n=200 cells were quantitated for each strain and time point from two independent experiments. K Spot assay of the indicated strains and conditions. Plates were incubated at 25°C. Representative example of three independent experiments

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