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Figure 2 | BMC Biology

Figure 2

From: Dental eruption in afrotherian mammals

Figure 2

Proportion of median adult jaw length ( y -axis) for mammals with incompletely erupted cheek teeth ( x -axis). Comparisons of individual taxa are shown above and between high-level clades below. Thick dotted horizontal lines (at 1.0) indicate median adult jaw length. For each stage of incomplete cheek tooth eruption (roughly one-third, one-half, two-thirds), some or all afrotherians have more adult-sized jaws (i.e., closer to 1.0 on the y-axis) than non-afrotherians. Afrotherians are shown in black, archontoglires in red, laurasiatheres in green, marsupials in brown. Abbreviations are as follows: Pc, Procavia capensis; ma, macroscelidids; ch, chrysochlorids; Pv, Potamogale velox; Ot, Oryzorictes tetradactylus; Ss, Setifer setosus; Te, Tenrec ecaudatus; st, strepsirhines; hy, hylobatids; Tj, Tupaia javanica; Sa, Saimiri sp.; Om, Otocyon megalotis; Er, Erinaceus europaeus; Eg, Echinosorex gymnura; Dm, Didelphis marsupialis. Rectangles above and diamonds below represent 95% confidence intervals of the mean. Non-overlapping polygons indicate significant difference at p = 0.05. Comparisons among high-level clades (Afrotheria, Archontoglires, Laurasiatheria) below exclude taxa (Tenrec, Didelphis) with CV of adult jaw length over 10.

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