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Fig. 7 | BMC Biology

Fig. 7

From: A new role of hindbrain boundaries as pools of neural stem/progenitor cells regulated by Sox2

Fig. 7

A model of the distribution of boundary cells in the normal st.18 hindbrain and upon Sox2-manipulation. A A scheme emphasizing the distribution of Sox2+ cells at st.18 hindbrain. According to our model, boundaries consist of slow dividing Sox2+/Transitin+/GFAP+ progenitors. At the boundary–rhombomere intersection Sox2+ cells divide towards the adjacent rhombomeres. Hindbrain neural differentiation occurs on the ventricular-to-mantle axis as cells lose progenitor markers and acquire neural markers (Tuj1/3A10) during migration to mantle zone. B Schematic summary of the impact of Sox2 manipulation on hindbrain neural differentiation: Sox2 overexpression leads to an increase in Sox2+ cells at the ventricular layer and reduced neural differentiation, whereas inhibition of Sox2 leads to enhanced and aberrant neural differentiation

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