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Fig. 1. | BMC Biology

Fig. 1.

From: Open Questions: We don’t really know anything, do we? Open questions in sensory biology

Fig. 1.

The top three images show (left to right) a normal image of the fish Caranx melampygus, an image of the degree of polarization of the image (with false-color scale to the right), and an image of the angle of polarization of the image (with false-color wheel scale in the lower right) (image courtesy of N. Justin Marshall). These three images show different aspects of the visual information contained in a scene, and it is not currently known if and how they are combined by animals with polarization vision. The bottom image is of the muliple mirror eyes of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians, which appear to collect far more information than the central nervous system of the animal can process (image courtesy of the author)

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