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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: Parkinson’s disease-linked Parkin mutations impair glutamatergic signaling in hippocampal neurons

Fig. 3

Parkin mutation/loss-of-function decreases AMPA and NMDA receptor-mediated currents. a Representative traces of spontaneous AMPAR mEPSCs from 14 to 16 DIV hippocampal neurons transduced with shParkin +/− WT Parkin or T240M/R275W/R334C/G430D mutants. b, c Quantification of mEPSC amplitude (b) and frequency (c) for the six conditions (n = 14 for shParkin, shParkin-WT and shParkin-T240M, 10 for shParkin-R334C, 8 for shParkin-R275W and shParkin-G430D; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.001, one-way ANOVA, error bars represent SEM). d Representative traces of spontaneous AMPAR mEPSCs from 14 to 16 DIV Parkin KO hippocampal neurons transduced with shParkin +/− WT Parkin or T240M/R275W/R334C/G430D mutants and non-transduced KO control. e, f Quantification of mEPSC amplitude (e) and frequency (f) for the seven conditions (n = 12 for shParkin-WT and shParkin-T240M, 11 for shParkin-R275W and shParkin-G430D, 10 for shParkin-R334C, 8 for shParkin and non-transduced KO control; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.001, one-way ANOVA, error bars represent SEM). g Representative traces of NMDAR currents (NMDAR-EPSC) from 14 to 16 DIV hippocampal neurons transduced with shParkin +/− WT Parkin or T240M/R275W/R334C/G430D mutants. h Quantification of NMDAR-EPSC amplitude for the six conditions (n = 10 for shParkin-T240M and shParkin-R334C, 8 for shParkin, shParkin-WT, shParkin-R275W and shParkin-G430D; **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.001, one-way ANOVA, error bars represent SEM). i Representative traces of NMDAR currents (NMDA-EPSC) from 14 to 16 DIV Parkin KO hippocampal neurons transduced with shParkin +/− WT Parkin or T240M/R275W/R334C/G430D mutants and non-transduced KO control. j Quantification of NMDAR-EPSC amplitude for the seven conditions (n = 12 for shParkin-WT and shParkin-T240M, 11 for shParkin-G430D, 10 for shParkin-R334C and shParkin-R275W, 8 for shParkin and non-transduced KO control; **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.001, one-way ANOVA, error bars represent SEM)

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