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Fig. 6 | BMC Biology

Fig. 6

From: Biological and RNA regulatory function of MOV10 in mammalian germ cells

Fig. 6

Transcriptome-wide annotation and analyses of MOV10 target RNAs. a Distribution of MOV10 CLIP reads mapping to different regions of mRNAs. Three curves represent three CLIP libraries. b Distribution of MOV10 CLIP tags mapping to mRNAs with different 3′-UTR length. mRNAs were ranked by 3′-UTR length and divided into terciles containing equal transcript numbers. c The pie chart shows the distribution of RNA types identified as MOV10 CLIP targets. d Classification of CLIP reads into 5 categories (I–V) based on their relative position to pre-miRNA hairpins. Read distribution of categories I, II+III, and IV+V is calculated. e Normalized coverage of MOV10 CLIP reads (red curve) and secondary structure potential of corresponding genomic sequences (blue curve) around pre-miRNAs. MOV10 CLIP tags mapping to ± 200 nt windows flanking the middle point of pre-miRNAs are plotted as density values at single-nucleotide resolution. f Numbers of mature miRNA, pre-miRNA, and pri-miRNA bound by MOV10. Overlapping regions represent the miRNAs that are defined as no less than two forms. g Genome browser view and validation of MOV10-bound nuclear lncRNAs. UCSC visualization of MOV10 CLIP reads on the lncRNAs Malat1 and Neat1. The green bars represent three isoforms of Neat1. RT-PCR confirms nuclear localization of these lncRNAs in P10 testis. The amplicons of pre-GAPDH and GAPDH-intron serve as controls for nuclear fraction and GAPDH-exon serves as control for cytoplasmic fraction. The interaction between MOV10 and lncRNAs was validated by RIP-PCR. h MOV10-crosslinked positions within introns. The distribution of genomic crosslinked sites within intronic regions upstream and downstream of the splice site is shown. A genomic crosslinked site was defined as the corresponding genomic position of a deletion identified in a CLIP tag. Each unique position is only represented once

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