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Fig. 4 | BMC Biology

Fig. 4

From: Combined use of Oxford Nanopore and Illumina sequencing yields insights into soybean structural variation biology

Fig. 4

Population structure computed on all 102 Canadian soybean cultivars using fastStructure with k = 5 on A SNVs called by Platypus from Illumina data and B SVs discovered from Illumina and Oxford Nanopore data, and subsequently genotyped with Illumina data using Paragraph. The proportion of ancestry attributed to each of five populations is shown along the y-axis for 102 cultivars displayed along the x-axis. The order of the cultivars and the color scheme are identical in both panels. The vertical dotted lines between panels denote the 16 cultivars for which the assigned population (i.e., the population with the highest ancestry for that cultivar) differs

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