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Fig. 6 | BMC Biology

Fig. 6

From: Assignment of unimodal probability distribution models for quantitative morphological phenotyping

Fig. 6

Overview of functional relationships between nonessential yeast genes. A Graphical representation of 2915 nonessential yeast genes with morphological defects and their functions is shown using the Spring layout. This network shows the similarities in phenotypes between pairs, calculated using 32 pCV scores and expressed as correlation coefficients (see the “Methods” section). Of the 130 functional groups (P < 0.05, after Bonferroni correction; Supplementary Table S5), 45 (orange and red dots) and 83 (turquoise and red dots) were identified as core and dense groups, respectively. Additionally, 44 groups (red dots) were identified as both core and dense groups. Of these 44 groups, most related GO terms belonged to 19 groups. Numbers in parentheses represent the number of group members. B Pairwise phenotypic correlation coefficients between functional gene groups. Significant correlations are shown as colored cells. Black cells indicate no significant correlation. The dendrogram was generated based on the proportion of significant correlations. The bar plot indicates the number of pairs with significant similarity. The 44 core and dense groups are shown in yellow (Supplementary Table S5)

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