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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: Analysis of KIR gene variants in The Cancer Genome Atlas and UK Biobank using KIRCLE

Fig. 3

KIR allele distributions in UK Biobank and TCGA. a Non-linear correlations between KIR allele frequencies among Caucasian individuals in TCGA versus those in UK Biobank, stratified by KIR gene. Error bars represent the standard deviation of correlation coefficients after re-sampling with replacement 100 times. b Comparison of allele frequency ranks between Caucasian individuals in TCGA and UK Biobank. c KIR2DL4 allele frequencies among Caucasian individuals in TCGA (left), UK Biobank (center), and US NMDP (right). d t-SNE plot of individuals in TCGA colored by participants’ ethnicities. Caucasian individuals were down-sampled by a factor of 8 for ease of visualization. e t-SNE plot of UK Biobank individuals colored by ethnicity. Caucasian individuals were down-sampled by a factor of 16 for ease of visualization

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