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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: Integrative single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analysis of myogenic differentiation in pig

Fig. 1

scRNA-seq identified major cell types in developing pig somites. A Experimental workflow schematic. Somite tissues [a mixture of embryos (n=5) from the same sow] of ZZ and DZ at E16, E18, E21, and myotome tissues [a mixture of embryos (n=5) from the same sow] at E28 were isolated. Tissue samples were dissociated into a single-cell solution and then single-cell transcriptomes were captured and analyzed using 10×Genomics. The minimum scale of the ruler in the embryo photograph is 1 mm. B t-Stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) plots showing the distribution of the main cell populations using the scRNA-seq. Using marker genes, cells were annotated as mesenchymal cells, fibroblasts, epithelial cells, neural stem cells, myogenic progenitors/myoblasts, osteogenic cells, neurons, neurogliocytes, endothelial cells, myocytes, chondrocytes, or muscle cells. Colors indicate cell types. Each dot represents one cell. C Heatmap showing the top 20 markers for each of the 12 cell populations. D Dot plot of the mean expression of canonical marker genes for 12 cell populations. E Bar plot showing the percentage of different cell types within each sample. F Visualization of myogenic cell (including myogenic progenitors/myoblasts, myocytes, and muscle cells in Fig. 1B) sub-clusters via t-SNE by developmental stage (left) and sub-cluster number (right). G tSNE plots showing the cell identities of myogenic cell sub-clusters. H Violin plots showing feature gene expression in each cell sub-cluster. Colors represent sub-clusters described in Fig. 1G

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