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Fig. 8 | BMC Biology

Fig. 8

From: Epigenome-wide analysis of aging effects on liver regeneration

Fig. 8

Changes in DNA (hydroxy)methylation enzyme expression during liver regeneration and aging. A Expression of Dnmts (A1) and Tets (A2) in 2-m/o mouse livers before (0d) and after PHx at 1d, 2d, 4d, and 7d by qRT-PCR. B Expression of Dnmts and Tets in 2-m/o (grey bars) and 16-m/o (black bars) livers. C Expression of Dnmts (C1) and Tets (C2) in 16-m/o livers before (0d) or after PHx (1d, 2d, 4d, and 7d). Expression levels were normalized against that of Rplp0 as an internal reference and compared to their respective baseline (0d) samples set arbitrarily as 100%. Bars represent means (± s.e.m.) of six biological replicates with two technical repeats (n = 12). *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001

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