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Fig. 2 | BMC Biology

Fig. 2

From: Bulk and single-cell characterisation of the immune heterogeneity of atherosclerosis identifies novel targets for immunotherapy

Fig. 2

The lineage and characteristics of T and ILC cells in atherosclerotic lesions. a t-SNE plot of 24,183 T and ILC cells. b Heatmap showing the normalised average expression of selected T cell function-associated genes in each cell subpopulation. c Feature plots of canonical marker genes. d Line chart showing tissue prevalence for each cell type estimated by Ro/e score. e Boxplots showing infiltrating score for CD8-C3-IFI44L subset in atherosclerotic lesions (n = 29) and control arteries (n = 12) without atherosclerotic lesions (left) and paired early (n = 32) and advanced (n = 32) lesions (right). ****, P ≤ 0.0001. Student’s t test (left) and paired Student’s t test (right). f Volcano plot showing differential gene expression for CD8-C3-IFI44L subset. Genes labelled have log-fold change > 1, Δ Percentage Difference > 30% and adjusted P-value from Wilcoxon rank sum test < 0.05. g Gene set enrichment analysis of CD8-C3-IFI44L subset

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