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Fig. 5 | BMC Biology

Fig. 5

From: Reference genomes of channel catfish and blue catfish reveal multiple pericentric chromosome inversions

Fig. 5

Recombination rates within pericentric inversions. Left panel: Dot plots of MUMmer alignments of channel catfish and blue catfish chromosome 6 (A), chromosome 11 (D), and chromosome 24 (G) are presented, all using reverse complement sequences of blue catfish as deposited in NCBI. Middle panel: Plot of genetic positions (y-axis) against physical positions (x-axis) of markers on Coco_2.0 (upper) and Billie_1.0 (lower) for chromosome 6 (B), chromosome 11 (E), and chromosome 24 (H). The orange background denotes the boundaries of the chromosomal inversions. Right panel: Plot of recombination rates (cM per Mb, y-axis) vs physical positions (Mb) of genetic markers on the genomic sequences for chromosome 6 (C), chromosome 11 (F), and chromosome 24 (I), with recombination rates of channel catfish indicated in black, blue catfish in blue, and hybrid catfish in red. The black triangle and blue triangle indicate the position of the centromere in channel catfish and blue catfish, respectively

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