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Fig. 6 | BMC Biology

Fig. 6

From: Reference genomes of channel catfish and blue catfish reveal multiple pericentric chromosome inversions

Fig. 6

Annotation of the channel catfish and blue catfish genomes. A Comparison of sequence orthology between 16 fish species showing number of genes in each ortholog category, with channel catfish and blue catfish highlighted in the red box. B Comparison of the 3640 Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish) BUSCO genes among the genome assemblies of 16 fish species. C Analysis of distinctive genes (or gene families) among seven catfish species whose genome has been sequenced. Channel catfish and blue catfish are highlighted in the red box, and genes specific to them are highlighted in purple. D Enrichment analysis of genes specific to channel catfish and blue catfish. E Summary of the commonality and difference of channel catfish and blue catfish genes. F Enrichment analysis of genes specific to channel catfish. G Enrichment analysis of genes specific to blue catfish

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