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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: Genetic architecture of a pollinator shift and its fate in secondary hybrid zones of two Petunia species

Fig. 1

Phenotypic and genetic variation of pure and admixed P. axillaris and P. exserta individuals. A Photos of P. axillaris (left) and P. exserta (right) flowers. Their pollination syndromes are indicated. B Genomic admixture proportion of the analysed individuals for K = 2 and photos of some flowers from the admixture groups. The colour diversity in the greenhouse-grown hybrid individuals reflects the diversity found in the wild individuals (Additional file 1: Fig. S3). Groups indicate admixture greater than 0.90 (group 1), admixture lower than 0.10 (group 2), admixture between 0.10 and 0.90 (hybrids). P. ax., P. axillaris; P. exs., P. exserta. C–E Phenotypic values for each pollination syndrome trait of all 70 individuals grouped by admixture group as defined in panel B. Points show values of each individual plant, besides boxplots and frequency distributions. Statistically significant differences between group 1 (n = 21) and 2 (n = 19) are shown with stars (*** indicates a P value smaller than 0.001). In panel D, the x-axis is log10 scaled for better visualisation of the distributions. In panel C, the symbols indicate the genotype of MYB-FL as obtained from CAPS markers genotyping as described in Sheehan et al. (2016). P. ax., P. axillaris; P. exs., P. exserta

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