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Fig. 2 | BMC Biology

Fig. 2

From: Haplotype-resolved genomes of two buckwheat crops provide insights into their contrasted rutin concentrations and reproductive systems

Fig. 2

Evolution of the Buckwheat Genomes. a Phylogenetic tree showing evolutionary relationships between the two buckwheat species and seven other plants, including their divergence time and whole-genome duplications that occurred within the lineage. All branch bootstrap values are 100. The estimated divergence time (million years ago, Mya) is indicated at each node; bars are 95% confidence intervals. b Genes of F. tataricum, F. esculentum, and other sequenced genomes are divided into five classes. Gene family expansions are indicated in red, and gene family contractions in blue. c Ks values revealed two WGD events shared by F. tataricum and F. esculentum. d Collinear relationship between F. esculentum and S. oleracea chromosomes. The collinearity pattern shows that typically an ancestral region in S. oleracea genome can be traced to four regions in F. esculentum. Gray bands in the background indicate large syntenic blocks between the genomes, some of the 1:4 blocks are highlighted in different colors. e The number of intact LTR-RTs in the F. tataricum and F. esculentum genomes

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