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Fig. 4 | BMC Biology

Fig. 4

From: Evolution of loss of heterozygosity patterns in hybrid genomes of Candida yeast pathogens

Fig. 4

Analysis of the LOH patterns in C. orthopsilosis supports the occurrence of meiotic recombination. a Non-linear accumulation of LOH blocks with time (SNPs/kb). b The average percentage of LOH and number of recombination events in 1-kb windows of C. orthopsilosis chromosome 2, only considering the 16 randomly selected strains represented in Fig. 2b to avoid bias of different clade sampling size. c Negative correlation between the average LOH length and the chromosome size in C. orthopsilosis clade 1 and s498. d Positive correlation between the number of LOH blocks and the chromosome size in C. orthopsilosis clade 1 and s498

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