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Table 1 Averages and standard deviations of significantly different toxin abundances and specific activities between northern (n = 108) and southern phenotypes (n = 38)

From: Snakes on a plain: biotic and abiotic factors determine venom compositional variation in a wide-ranging generalist rattlesnake


Northern phenotype

Southern phenotype

Percent myotoxin

42 (7.2)

14 (5.3)

Percent SVMP

10.6 (3.3)

37.8 (7.8)

SVMP activity

0.34 (0.14)

0.98 (0.19)

Kall-SVSP activity

856 (563)

1481 (698)

Thr-SVSP activity

1262 (471)

1681 (464)

  1. Abbreviations: SVMP snake venom metalloproteases, Kall-SVSP Kallikrein-like snake venom serine protease, Thr-SVSP thrombin-like snake venom serine protease. SVMP activity is expressed as ΔA342nm/min/mg venom protein, and Kall-SVSP and Thr-SVSP activities are expressed as nanomoles product produced/min/mg venom