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Fig. 7 | BMC Biology

Fig. 7

From: Single-cell expression profile of Drosophila ovarian follicle stem cells illuminates spatial differentiation in the germarium

Fig. 7

Potential regulators of cell behavior with AP-graded expression patterns. A Diagram of changes in gene expression for transitions from ECs to FSCs (first column) and FSCs to FCs (second column) for genes with the largest differences. Genes in the left pair of columns are displayed in the same order in Additional file 8: Table 7, while those on the right are in Additional file 9: Table 8. Genes in the first two quartiles are colored in brown for increases, and in blue for decreases, with darker colors representing the first quartile (no color indicates the 3rd or quartile, whether there are increases or decreases). Green lines are added to distinguish the different categories, with the number of genes in each category listed to the side. For example, 50 genes for UP-UP, 145 genes for UP-NEUTRAL, 184 genes for UP-DOWN, and so forth. Heat-maps of selected genes for the categories of B adhesion molecules, C adhesion-related molecules, D axon guidance molecules, E drivers or regulators of cell cycling, and F selected signaling molecules with pronounced differences in expression from ECs (groups 0 and 5), through FSCs (group 1) to early FCs (group 4), showing also expression in later FCs (group 2). Blue color intensity indicates relative expression level, as indicated by the logarithmic scale bar

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