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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: A systematic scientometric review of paternal inheritance of acquired metabolic traits

Fig. 3

Authorship networks in paternal epigenetic inheritance of metabolic traits. Node size is proportional to the number of publications while the color gradient represents the mean year of publications. Authors with three or less publications and less than two links to other authors were omitted. M.K. Skinner at the Washington State University Pullman (US) is the leading author in terms of total number of papers on the subjects (23 publications, supplementary table S2). Six of the top ten authors according to number of publications are affiliated with the Washington State University Pullman (US), which is the leading institution using the same metric (24 publications, Table 1). This close collaboration is clear in the figure, with M.K. Skinner as the central node. Besides, the figure clearly shows other relevant research nuclei at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) and at The Florey (Australia), which are now interconnected with the Washington State University Pullman by co-authorships

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