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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: Leveraging the predictive power of 3D organoids in dogs to develop new treatments for man and man’s best friend

Fig. 3

Simulated concentration-response relationship in 3D canine bladder cancer organoids after 24-h exposure to a candidate chemotherapeutic drug. The virtual simulations were based on a Sigmoid Imax model and included two patient sub-populations: (1) an example of a “responder” to the drug with a steep concentration-response curve (closed circles, GAM = 2) and (2) a non-responder who showed minimal changes in cell survival when increasing drug concentrations (open circles, GAM = 0.5). Virtual experimental data are represented as dots, while continuous lines represent model-derived simulations. GAM, gamma parameter (Hill coefficient) from the Sigmoid Imax model

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