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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: Ionizing radiation responses appear incidental to desiccation responses in the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga

Fig. 1

Design of the comparative transcriptomic approach and responses. A Experimental design of the comparative transcriptomic analyses of Adineta vaga individuals exposed to desiccation and/or radiation: hydrated controls (in various greens), individuals entering desiccation (48 h desiccated, in gray), rehydrated after 14 days of desiccation (in yellow), irradiated with 500 Gy X-rays (low-LET) after desiccation (in orange), irradiated with 500 Gy Fe-ions (high-LET) after desiccation (in purple), hydrated individuals irradiated with 500 Gy X-rays (in blue). The time points post-rehydration or radiation are represented as follows: 0 h (triangles), 1.5 h and 2.5 h (circles), 8 h (squares), 24 h (pentagons). N = the number of replicates analyzed per condition. B Principal component analysis of the transcriptomes analyzed (with 3 to 4 replicates per treatment) with PC1 representing 56% of the variance in gene expression between samples and PC2 16% of the variance. C Histogram of the number of genes (first y axis) and the percentage of genes within the genome (second y axis) being significantly (FDR < 0.01 with both DESeq2 and EdgeR) over- (log2foldchange > 0.5 in green) or under-expressed (log2foldchange <  − 0.5 in red) in the different treatments post desiccation and/or radiation

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