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Fig. 4 | BMC Biology

Fig. 4

From: Ionizing radiation responses appear incidental to desiccation responses in the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga

Fig. 4

Transcriptomic response in A. vaga of genes coding for antioxidants. A Number of genes coding for the different antioxidant gene families (x axis). According to the level of expression: transcripts per millions (TPMs), the number of genes is represented in different color: TPMs < 10 (gray), 10 < TPMs < 150 (light orange), > 150 (red), > 700 (dark red). The number of genes in each expression category is represented for hydrated controls (green) and 2.5 h post X-ray radiation and rehydration (orange). B Heatmap of change of expression of 39 genes coding for antioxidant gene families which are at least over-expressed in one condition (log2foldchange > 0.5, FDR < 0.01 with both DESeq2 and EdgeR). The 30 genes found OE exclusively after 14 days of desiccation are indicated as numbers in the corresponding column. Heatmap of transcripts per millions (TPMs) for each gene is represented on the right side and with a different color code representing the level of expression. The gene IDs coding for the different kinds of antioxidants are written next to the TPMs, and horizontal transfer genes (HGT) are represented by the violet stars. C Heatmap representing the level of expression (TPMs) of 26 genes showing constitutive high expression (TPMs > 150) in all conditions coding for antioxidants. After desiccation and radiation, the number of genes coding for antioxidants showing high TPMs does not change. The ID of the genes found in the common response to rehydration and radiation are indicated in pink (2 genes), in the common rehydration response (in green: 6 genes), in the common radiation response (in dark blue: 2 genes), specific to hydrated irradiated rotifers (in light blue). The four genes specific to desiccation and 1.5 h post-rehydration are indicated in yellow, same color as the 30 genes specific to 1.5 h post-rehydration (indicated as numbers)

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