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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: IGT/LAZY genes are differentially influenced by light and required for light-induced change to organ angle

Fig. 3

LAZY and DRO genes in seedlings and adult plants exhibit differential gene expression in response to continuous light and dark. A qPCR expression data for LAZY1, DRO1, DRO2, and LAZY6 in whole Col seedlings grown for 10 days in 16L:8D cycles and moved to continuous light or dark for 72 h. B Expression for lateral apices (terminal 1–1.5 cm of branch tips) of adult plants moved to continuous light or dark for 72 h. Expression relative to housekeeping gene UBC21 is reported. Error bars represent SD between four biological replicates of 10–12 pooled seedlings (one whole plate with 2 rows of 6 seedlings) per time point (seedlings) or four biological replicates of 2–5 pooled lateral apices (adults—pooled lateral apices for each individual plant). Student’s t-test was used to determine the significant difference between light and dark conditions at 72 h and is reported. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. C, D Expression time-course of the first 8 h after plants are moved from 3-day dark growth to continuous light (left) or from 16L:8D cycles to continuous dark (right), in 10 dpg seedlings (C) or adult plants (D)

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