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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: Cue-driven microbial cooperation and communication: evolving quorum sensing with honest signaling

Fig. 3

Strategy set of the QS model. Strategies are listed in boxes; their genotypes are denoted in bold typeface and their metabolic costs in parentheses. Capital letters in genotypes indicate expressed “genes”; minuscules indicate inactive alleles. \({c}_{0}\) is the baseline metabolic cost paid by everyone, \(c\) is the cost of cooperation, \(\theta =1\) if the quorum threshold is reached (otherwise \(\theta =0\)), \(s\) is the signal production cost, and \(r\) is the signal-detection cost. Underlined strategies are context dependent, capable of switching to cooperation when a signal quorum is reached. The individual strategies are characterized as follows: Lazy does nothing; Voyeur detects signal but does not cooperate; Liar signals but does not cooperate; Curious liar produces and detects signal but does not cooperate; Trusty does not communicate but always cooperates and thus also issues the QS signal; Smart detects the signal and cooperates if the signal level exceeds quorum; Bouncy issues extra signal but does not listen to it; Nerd produces the extra signal, detects the signal and cooperates if the signal level exceeds quorum

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