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Fig. 4 | BMC Biology

Fig. 4

From: Mitochondrial perturbation in immune cells enhances cell-mediated innate immunity in Drosophila

Fig. 4

Knocking down UQCR-C1 in hemocytes leads to changes in the hemocyte transcriptomes. Venn diagrams show genes that are upregulated (A) and downregulated (B) upon UQCR-C1 knockdown in hemocytes, and heatmaps illustrate differential expression (as log2FC to wGD hemocytes) of selected genes specific to all samples of UQCR-C1 knockdown hemocytes, or unique to specific timepoint/treatment. Differentially expressed genes were grouped according to Flymine GO term pathway enrichment analysis. Asterisks indicate statistically significant difference in gene expression compared to wGD control. Gene symbols written in red encode mitochondrial proteins

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