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Figure 5 | BMC Biology

Figure 5

From: Concerted evolution of male and female display traits in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis

Figure 5

Composition of male pheromone in corn borers. (A) Partial gas chromatograms of hairpencil extracts from virgin 4-day-old ECB Z, ECB E and Asian corn borer (1, Z9-16:OAc; 2, Z11-16:OAc; 3, 16:OAc; 4, Z14-16:OAc). (B) Plot of canonical discriminant function scores for each species or strain for the first two functions accounting for 89.2% and 10.8% of the total variance explained. The four variables were absolute amount of individual compounds, all transformed (Y = log10 (amount + 0.1)).

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