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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: Mating behavior and reproductive morphology predict macroevolution of sex allocation in hermaphroditic flatworms

Fig. 3

Distribution of gonadal sex allocation (GSA) across all species and links to heterozygosity. A The black solid line represents the GSA density across all species, and the colored curves show the densities for the species assigned to the hypodermic (yellow) and reciprocal (green) mating syndrome. Points below show raw data, jittered on the y-axis for visibility. B Distribution of GSA by inferred mating syndrome. C Macroevolutionary landscapes inferred using BBMV. The macroevolutionary landscape represents the normalized evolutionary potential, which determines how fast species evolve towards a trait value (see the “Methods” section). Peaks in the landscape correspond to trait values that species are attracted towards. Given are the three models evaluated with their respective AIC values. The full BBMV model was strongly supported. D Relationship between heterozygosity and GSA. E Distribution of heterozygosity by inferred mating syndrome. Color shows the inferred mating syndrome: hypodermic (yellow), intermediate (light green), reciprocal (green), and unclear (gray). D includes the fit and corresponding statistics including all species, as well as separate fits for only the hypodermic and reciprocal mating syndrome, and B, E include results of comparing the hypodermic and reciprocal mating syndrome (i.e., excluding species assigned as intermediate and unclear). Boxplots show the second and third quartile with whiskers extending up to 1.5 times the interquartile range. R2 values represent R2pred of the full PGLS including the phylogeny

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