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The genome and comparative transcriptome of the euryhaline model ciliate Paramecium duboscqui reveal adaptations to environmental salinity



As a potential model organism for studies of environmental and cell biology, Paramecium duboscqui is a special euryhaline species of Paramecium that can be found in fresh, brackish, or marine water in natural salinity ranges between 0‰ and 33‰. However, the genome information as well as molecular mechanisms that account for its remarkable halotolerant traits remain extremely unknown. To characterize its genome feature, we combined PacBio and Illumina sequencing to assemble the first high-quality and near-complete macronuclear genome of P. duboscqui. Meanwhile, comparative transcriptomic profiles under different salinities gave underlying insight into the molecular mechanism of its adaptations to environmental salinity.


The results showed that the MAC genome of P. duboscqui comprises 160 contigs, with 113 of them possessing telomere (~ 28.82 Mb haploid genome size). Through comparative genomic analyses with the other ciliate, we found that gene families encoding transmembrane transporter proteins have been expanded in P. duboscqui, showing enormous potential in salinity adaptation. Like other Paramecium, P. duboscqui utilizes TGA as its only termination codon and has reassigned TAA and TAG to encode glutamine. P. duboscqui showed different growth rates under different salinities, with an optimum growth rate in 5‰ salinity. A comparison of the transcriptomic profiles among P. duboscqui grown under different concentrations showed that genes involved in protein folding, oxygen respiration, and glutathione-dependent detoxification were upregulated in the high-salt group, whereas genes encoding DNA-binding proteins and transcription factors were upregulated in the low-salt group, suggesting distinct mechanisms for responding to low and high salinity. Weighted gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA) linked the hub genes expressed at 30‰ salinity to cysteine-type peptidase activity, lipid transfer, sodium hydrogen exchange, and cell division, with the hub genes expressed at 0‰ salinity involved in transmembrane transport and protein localization.


This study characterizes a new euryhaline model Paramecium, provides novel insights into Paramecium evolution, and describes the molecular mechanisms that have allow P. duboscqui to adapt to different osmotic environments.


Ciliated protozoa (ciliates) are one of the most diverse groups of single-celled microorganisms and have been reported as the dominant eukaryotic microbiota in aquatic ecosystems [1,2,3]. Among this group, the genus Paramecium (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea, Peniculida) is one of the best studied and most widespread [4]. As with all other ciliates, Paramecium harbors two types of nucleus, a diploid germline micronucleus (MIC) and a highly polyploid somatic macronucleus (MAC) [5]. Whereas the exact number of micronuclear chromosomes in Paramecium species has been difficult to determine, the macronuclear genome is known to comprise complete chromosomes that are amplified to about 800 copies [6]. During MAC development, imprecise removal of transposable elements and other repeated sequences leads to chromosome fragmentation, de novo telomere addition, and variable internal deletions, which along with its high polyploidy make it difficult to assemble complete somatic MAC genomes for Paramecium species [7]. To date, more than 40 Paramecium morphospecies have been found, but only 17 have been sequenced at the genomic level [8,9,10]. The rapid development of third generation sequencing technology has facilitated sequencing of complete MAC genomes from additional new species of Paramecium.

Paramecium duboscqui was established by Chatton and Brachon, who cataloged its truncated “bursaria” type body shape and overall length of 80–150 μm [11]. It was initially considered a rare or even nonvalid species, and its distinction as a separate species was uncertain [10, 12]. Since 1997, this species has been revisited, and its morphology, mating types, and adaptation to temperature have been further described [13,14,15]. Unlike most Paramecium species that live exclusively in freshwater, P. duboscqui can be found in fresh, brackish, and marine water (around 0‰ ~ 33‰ salinity) and is recognized as a euryhaline and halotolerant species [15].

Adaptations to high salinity environments have been widely studied in prokaryotic unicellular organisms like Bacteria and Archaea, but microbial eukaryotes have received much less attention [16,17,18]. Early studies reported the existence of diverse populations of unicellular eukaryotes in hypersaline waters [19,20,21,22], with more recent studies showing that eukaryotic species may surpass prokaryotes in ~ 8–18% salt environments [23,24,25,26,27,28]. Halotolerant protozoa have received more attention during the past several years, with key findings made on community dynamics and the effects of environmental quality on protozoa [29,30,31]. However, the majority of these studies focused on ecology and biodiversity rather than the sequencing and gene expression information needed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of adaptation of halotolerant protozoa.

Unlike many other groups of eukaryotic microbes, ciliates like P. duboscqui are not enclosed by a cell wall and manage osmotic stress using contractile vacuoles [32]. The additional molecular mechanisms by which this particular species of Paramecium has adapted to high salinity are unknown. Furthermore, as one of the oldest branches of Paramecium species, P. duboscqui also serves as an important point of comparison with the other Paramecium species for which genome data are available and can help answer questions regarding Paramecium genome evolution, gene family contraction and expansion events, and the pathways available to respond to environmental stress. P. duboscqui is therefore a valuable model for understanding the evolution of halotolerance in Paramecium.

In this study, we employed both Illumina and PacBio sequencing technologies to assemble the somatic genome of Paramecium duboscqui and described the characteristics of its genome for the first time. In addition, through comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses, we further systematically explored its genetic basis for adaptation to a range of salinity environments. These results provide unique insights into Paramecium genome evolution and the ability of P. duboscqui specifically to adapt to different salinity stress.


Sequencing and assembly of the macronuclear genome of P. duboscqui

A total of 10.58 Gb of MAC Illumina clean reads were used to estimate the primary characteristics of the genome (Additional file 1: Table S1). The estimated genome size and heterozygosity were ~ 25.83 Mb and ~ 0.466%, respectively (Additional file 1: Fig. S3, Additional file 2: Table S2). To solve the assembly challenges arising from the highly polyploid and fragmented somatic MAC genomes of ciliates, we employed PacBio sequencing to generate high-fidelity (HiFi) reads for P. duboscqui. We then assembled a 28.82 Mb draft genome with 160 contigs and a contig N50 of 308 kb (Fig. 1A–C, Table 1, Additional file 2: Table S3). The GC content distribution of assembled contigs did not show any bacterial contaminants with discordant GC content (Fig. 1D, Additional file 1: Fig. S4). We found that 99.64% of the PacBio DNA-seq reads and 94.92% of Illumina RNA-seq reads could be properly aligned to the assembled genome (Table 1). We further evaluated the completeness of the assembled P. duboscqui genome by BUSCO [33] (Fig. 1E) and determined that it was comparable to that of other well-studied ciliate species (Additional file 2: Table S4).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Sequencing and assembly of the macronuclear genome of Paramecium duboscqui. A Characteristics of the 160 assembled contigs of P. duboscqui. Tracks from the inside out represent gene collinearity, the distribution of genome coverage of HiFi reads, genome coverage of Illumina RNA-seq reads, gene density, GC skew, GC density, and contig length, respectively, with values calculated in 3-kb sliding windows. B The cumulative distribution of contig length. C The distribution of contig length. D The GC content and depth of the genome. E Result of BUSCO for the P. duboscqui genome and other closely related species. FI The distribution of gene length, gene number in each contig, exon number in each gene, and intron length. J Percentage of non-coding RNA genes found in the genome

Table 1 Statistics of the P. duboscqui genome assembly

The Eugene pipeline [34] was used to annotate the MAC genome, producing a final annotation that contained 16,774 protein-coding genes. Among the predicted protein-coding genes, almost all of them (93.2%) were supported by RNA-seq data, and 81.3% had significant hits in the InterPro database. The gene number in each contig had a statistically significant correlation with contig length (r = 0.984, p-value < 0.01). The median gene length was 1713 bp, and each contig had an average of ~ 212 genes (Fig. 1F, G). On average, each gene contained ~ 3.92 exons and ~ 2.92 introns (Fig. 1H). Most introns are between 22 and 26 bp, with an average length of ~ 25 bp (Fig. 1I), which is similar to other Paramecium species. We also found that the P. duboscqui genome contained a typical intron motif with a highly conserved branch point adenosine (Additional file 1: Fig. S5). The genome of P. duboscqui is compact and streamlined, with an average intergenic region length of only ~ 67 bp. Notably, 113 of 160 assembled contigs (24.34 Mb) were capped with telomere, which is far more than is seen for other Paramecium species (Table 1, Additional file 2: Tables S5). The completeness of the predicted P. duboscqui proteins was 97.07% by BUSCO (Additional file 2: Table S6). We also predicted tRNAs using tRNAscan-SE [35] and searched for other non-coding RNA genes against the Rfam database. From most to least numerous, we detected 109 tRNAs, 32 rRNAs, 15 snRNAs, and 2 ribozymes (Fig. 1J).

Evolutionary history of P. duboscqui

To anchor the evolutionary position of P. duboscqui, we selected 17 typical ciliate species, with two heterotricheas as outgroups, to construct phylogenomic trees (Fig. 2A, Additional file 2: Table S7). Given that P. duboscqui belongs to the order Peniculida within the class Oligohymenophorea undoubtedly, in which several well-studied genomes have been reported, we carried out additional comparative genomic analyses to determine the evolutionary position of P. duboscqui (Additional file 1: Fig. S6, Additional file 2: Table S8).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Comparative genomic analysis among P. duboscqui and its relatives. A Phylogenomic tree estimated from a concatenated dataset of 60,220 orthogroups by maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) methods. The numbers at the nodes are the bootstrap values of ML out of 1000 replicates and the posterior probability of Bayesian analysis, respectively. The black dots represent the full support values in both ML and BI trees. The scale bar corresponds to 50 substitutions per 100 nucleotide positions. B The Rose diagram shows the gene number in CCOs for each species. C The proportion of CCO genes in each ciliate

For comparative genomics analysis, a total of 417,878 genes were assigned to 60,220 orthogroups. A total of 2556 orthogroups were found in more than 13 ciliates and thus were considered as ciliate core orthogroups (CCOs) [28]. A total of 6146 of the 16,774 coding genes in P. duboscqui could be classified into CCOs. The ratio of CCOs in P. duboscqui (36.8%) was markedly higher than that of its relative P. bursaria (23.2%) and only lower than that of I. multifiliis (59.5%) (Fig. 2B, C). We performed GO functional and KEGG enrichment analyses on the extracted genes and found that among 948 extracted orthogroups, most could be assigned with GO term annotations. GO terms with the most genes were assigned to GO:0022857 (transmembrane transporter activity), GO:0015297 (antiporter activity), GO:0004888 (transmembrane signaling receptor activity), and GO:0055085 (transmembrane transport). The most abundant KEGG pathway assignments included transporter, cysteine and methionine metabolism, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) signaling, lipid biosynthesis, fatty acid biosynthesis, and fatty acid degradation (Fig. 3A, Additional file 1: Fig. S7). When compared to other Paramecium species, the extracted genes were significantly enriched with genes annotated with GO:0022857, GO:0055085, and GO:0015385 (sodium:proton antiporter activity), which may contribute to the ability of P. duboscqui to maintain intracellular ion concentration homeostasis in different salinity environments (Fig. 3B).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Functional enrichment of extracted gene family and WGD of P. duboscqui and its relatives. A KEGG enrichment analysis on the extracted genes of P. duboscqui with other 16 ciliates (adjusted p-value by Benjamini–Hochberg procedure < 0.05). B GO term analysis on the extracted genes of P. duboscqui and other Paramecium (adjusted p-value by Benjamini–Hochberg procedure < 0.05). C Whole-genome duplication events during the evolution of P. duboscqui and P. tetraurelia, as evidenced by the distribution of the peak Ks values

Previous studies have shown that the ancestor of Paramecium and Tetrahymena diverged from other ciliates after an ancient whole genome duplication (WGD), and a recent series of WGD events led to the formation of Paramecium aurelia [6]. We identified WGD events by a method that calculates the density distribution of synonymous substitution rates per gene (Ks) between collinear paralogous genes. Accordingly, we aligned the protein sequences encoded by the P. duboscqui genome against the P. tetraurelia and P. duboscqui genomes and then calculated Ks values for paralogous gene pairs by filtering using WGDI [36]. The resulting Ks values between orthologous gene pairs in P. duboscqui showed a peak distribution (K = 3), which was also found in P. tetraurelia, suggesting that these Paramecium species genomes shared a common WGD event during their early evolution. Furthermore, the resulting Ks values between orthologous gene pairs between P. duboscqui and P. tetraurelia showed that P. tetraurelia underwent one additional round of WGD following its divergence from P. duboscqui (K = 1) (Fig. 3C) [6]. In our analysis, we did not find traces of the oldest WGD event known to have occurred in Paramecium, which may indicate that synonymy substitution has reached saturation. We identified two peaks from the distribution of Ks values in P. duboscqui, the first of which may be caused by the problem of high heterozygosity in the P. duboscqui genome assembly arising from its extreme polyploidy. Alternatively, this peak may suggest that P. duboscqui has very recently undergone a round of WGD.

Codon usage bias for P. duboscqui

To explore codon usage patterns of P. duboscqui, we scanned its protein-coding sequences for codons biases, as well as for stop codon reassignments and alternative genetic codes, which are common among ciliates. The result indicated that like other Paramecium species, P. duboscqui employed only TGA as a termination codon, with TAA and TAG reassigned to encode glutamine (Additional file 2: Table S9). Nucleotide composition bias, specifically the GC content, is the prime factor of codon usage bias [37]. Genomic GC content and GC content at different codon positions of P. duboscqui are higher than the other Paramecium species, especially at the third of codon position (Additional file 2: Table S10). Relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) values suggested that P. duboscqui prefers to use codons ending with A/T, which is similar to other Paramecium (Fig. 4A). However, unlike the other Paramecium, the putative optimal codon of lysine is AAG rather than AAA, which may be the reason for the difference in the GC content of protein coding sequences at the third codon position between P. duboscqui and the other Paramecium (Additional file 1: Table S11). The effective number of codons (ENC) is a typical parameter to measure the magnitude of synonymous codon usage bias for any gene [38]. ENC values range from 20 (extreme bias for using one codon) to 61 (no bias for using synonymous codons) [39, 40]. The ENC value of P. duboscqui is higher than the other Paramecium at around 41, which indicated that P. duboscqui has a weaker codon usage bias (Additional file 2: Table S12). A PR2-Plot showed that the base bias at the 3rd codon position is not obvious between A, T and G, C (Fig. 4B).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Codon usage pattern of P. duboscqui. A The RSCU values of the codons of P. duboscqui. A gradient from dark blue to dark red indicates the RSCU value increases from low to high. B PR2-bias plot of A3/(A3 + T3) against G3/(G3 + C3) of P. duboscqui. C Neutrality plots, showing the relationship between GC3 and GC12 of P. duboscqui. D Relationship between the ENC and GC3 content at the third codon position of P. duboscqui

Neutrality and ENC plots were produced to explore factors influencing the codon usage pattern in P. duboscqui. Previously, it has been shown that a regression line slope of the neutrality plot close to or equal to 1 indicates that mutation pressure is the sole determinant of codon usage bias; a slope closer to 0 indicates that natural selection is the major factor [41]. As shown in Fig. 4C, the slope of the regression line value was 0.136 and the correlation between GC12 and GC3 was low (R = 0.27, p-value < 2.2e − 16), which suggests that natural selection was the main influence on codon usage bias in P. duboscqui (Additional file 2: Table S13). It is notable that the slope of this regression line for P. duboscqui is greater than those of other Paramecium, which indicates that the mutation pressure is stronger in this species and that natural selection is weaker than in other Paramecium, resulting in a weaker codon usage bias. If codon usage were limited only by mutation bias, the predicted ENC value would be on or near the standard curve [39]. As shown in Fig. 4D, most of the genes were located above or below the standard curve, suggesting that natural selection plays the main function in codon usage bias.

Genetic basis for salinity tolerance

To better understand the salinity tolerance of P. duboscqui, we calculated 30-day growth curves under a range of salinities, defined here as Salinity‰ = 0.030 + 1.8050Cl‰, between 0‰ and 30‰ (Fig. 5A). All groups under 30‰ reached logarithmic growth and a stable population by the 8th day. On the 22nd day, the 30‰ group reached the logarithmic growth phase. From these results, we determined that 5‰ salinity provides the optimum growth rate for P. duboscqui. Meanwhile, the length–width ratio of the cells at 30‰ salinity was significantly lower than 0‰ and 5‰ groups on the 30th day (Fig. 5B).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Genetic adaptation for salinity tolerance of P. duboscqui. A Population density of P. duboscqui grown in different salinities. B Length–width ratio at different salinities on the 30th day (0‰, 5‰, 30‰). C The number of differentially expressed genes in the high (30‰) and low (5‰) salinity groups. Both groups were compared against the optimum (5‰) salinity group. D Volcano map of differentially expressed genes. E Heatmap for differentially expressed genes. F Venn diagram of differentially expressed genes in the two groups. G GO term enrichment analysis on high salinity DEGs of P. duboscqui (adjusted p-value by Benjamini–Hochberg procedure < 0.05). H GO term enrichment analysis on low salinity DEGs of P. duboscqui (adjusted p-value by Benjamini–Hochberg procedure < 0.05)

To investigate the genetic adaptations that allowed P. duboscqui to survive in a range of saline concentrations, we calculated its gene expression profiles at three different salinity levels: 0‰ (low), 5‰ (optimum), and 30‰ (high). A total of 3215 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were found between the high and optimum salinities, and 3762 DEGs were found between the optimum and low salinities (Fig. 5C, D). Interestingly, only 19.2% of the DEGs were shared in both groups, and heatmap clustering analysis of all DEGs showed very little overlap between the low and high salinity groups (Fig. 5E, F), suggesting that P. duboscqui may have distinct mechanisms to adapt to low and high salinity environments.

Functional enrichment analysis of DEGs in the high salinity group showed that upregulation of genes were annotated with the GO terms GO:0003735 (structural constituent of ribosome), GO:0000786 (nucleosome), GO:0005840 (ribosome), and GO:0006412 (translation), indicating that P. duboscqui initiated protein translation processes at a high rate in response to a high salinity environment. These findings were further supported by KEGG functional enrichment analysis (Fig. 5G, Additional file 1: Fig. S8, Additional file 1: Fig. S9, Additional file 2: Table S14). Genes upregulated were enriched in GO terms including GO:0015385 (sodium:proton antiporter activity), GO:0006812 (cation transport), and GO:1902600 (proton transmembrane transport), showing that P. duboscqui responded to the high osmotic pressure environment by controlling the flow of positive (Na+/H+) ions. Previous studies have shown that reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced from salt stress led to the oxidative modification of cysteine, which in turn promotes tolerance to salt stress [42, 43]. In this study, we found that genes with GO terms including GO:0008234 (cysteine-type peptidase activity) and GO:0016491 (oxidoreductase activity) were upregulated, suggesting that oxidative modification of cysteine may promote osmotic defense of P. duboscqui in high salt environments. KEGG functional enrichment analysis of DEGs showed that most DEGs under high salt encode chaperones and transporters or proteins involved in amino acid and glycerolipid metabolism. These findings mirror the results of previous studies, which showed that activation of protein folding pathways is needed to help organisms deal with misfolded proteins resulting from the accumulation of ROS under salt stress [44]. Transporters play a key role in the salt adaption response as part of the SOS (salt overly sensitive) signaling pathway [45]. Glycerophospholipid and dissociative amino acids, such as proline and alanine, are also important osmotic pressure modulators [46, 47].

Functional enrichment analysis of DEGs in the low salinity group showed downregulated GO terms related to translation (GO:0003735, GO:0005840, and GO:0006412), indicating that P. duboscqui slowed this process in low salinity environments, which was different from the high salt group (Fig. 5H, Additional file 1: Fig. S10, Additional file 1: Fig. S11, Additional file 2: Table S14). Instead, transcription initiation genes with GO terms including GO:0006355 (regulation of transcription, DNA-templated), GO:0043565 (sequence-specific DNA binding), and GO:0003700 (DNA-binding transcription factor activity) were upregulated under low salt, which showed that P. duboscqui may repress expression under these conditions by binding transcription factors to DNA. Genes annotated to GO:0046961 (proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism) and GO:1902600 were also downregulated in low salinity, showing the rate of ion exchange was inhibited. Conversely, we found that chaperones and metabolic enzymes were downregulated in low salinity indicating that P. duboscqui growth did not depend on misfolded protein repair and oxidation–reduction processes under these conditions as they did in high salinity.

RT-qPCR validation of RNA sequencing

In order to validate the results obtained from transcriptome analyses, ten genes that showed different expression patterns from RNA-seq were selected for RT-qPCR. Genes encoding homologs of a cysteine peptidase (CP), growth factor receptor (CFR), glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx), serine/threonine protein kinase (STPK), cyclin, Na+ /H+ exchanger (NHE), diacylglycerol kinase (DAGK), small GTPase (Ras), and sugar transporter protein (STP) were differentially expressed under varying salinity conditions. Of these, six differentially expressed genes (CP, CFR, GSHPx, STPK, cyclin, NHE1) were upregulated, and one differentially expressed gene (DAGK) were downregulated in the high-salt group, while the other three differentially expressed genes (Ras, NHE2, and STP) were upregulated in the low-salt group. The change in expression observed for these genes under their respective conditions using RT-qPCR and RNA-seq was largely consistent (Fig. 6, Additional file 2: Table S15, Additional file 2: Table S16).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Relative transcription levels of RT-qPCR. Error bars indicate ± S.D. of biological triplicates

Weighted gene co-expression network (WGCNA) construction

P. duboscqui showed different phenotypic characteristics and growth rates in different salinity environments, and transcriptome differential expression analysis showed that P. duboscqui adapted to high salt and low salt environments by expressing different sets of genes. To identify hub genes likely to play roles in these osmotic stress responses, we constructed correlations between gene expression modules and different salinity values (0‰, 5‰, and 30‰). After filtering out 3810 genes (the last 25% of median absolute deviation, MAD), 11,428 gene expression values were utilized to create co-expression modules (Additional file 1: Fig. S12). The automatic network construction function blockwiseModules clustered these genes into 13 modules based on expression pattern (Fig. 7A, Additional file 1: Fig. S13). We used Pearson’s method to further statistically compute the correlation coefficients for salinity-to-module eigenvalue correlations and utilized a “t test” to obtain p values.

Fig. 7
figure 7

WGCNA analysis of different salinities stress experiments using RNA high-throughput sequencing. A Gene co-expression clustering tree and co-expression topology heat map. Note, stronger colors represent higher expression similarity between genes. B The constructed relationship matrix of modules-traits, where positive values represent module eigengenes positively correlated with the trait, and negative values represent their negative correlation with the trait. The significance threshold was set to 0.15. C Core genes arrangement for the yellow module presented in B. D Core genes arrangement for the brown module presented in B

Two modules that were significantly correlated with changes in salinity were identified by this method (yellow module-30‰_salinity, r = 0.94, p < 1e − 4; brown module-0‰_salinity, r = 0.88, p < 0.002) (Fig. 7B). We obtained 59 and 48 core genes for the yellow and brown modules, respectively, and visualized their protein interaction relationships using Cytoscape (Fig. 7C, D). Hub genes in the response to 0‰ salinity encoded protein localization and transmembrane transport proteins, whereas hub genes in the response to 30‰ salinity were involved in cysteine-type peptidase activity, lipid transfer, sodium/hydrogen exchange, and cell division. These results were consistent with those seen during the analysis of differentially expressed genes.


Paramecium duboscqui widely distributes in fresh, brackish, marine water habitats, which is a unique and representative euryhaline Paramecium species [15]. The analyses of the genome of P. duboscqui are vital for the subsequent study of its salinity adaptation mechanism and the further study of Paramecium genome evolution model.

In our study, PacBio HiFi sequencing was employed to de novo assembly the genome of P. duboscqui. The MAC genome of P. duboscqui comprises 160 contigs with 113 of them possessing telomere, the radio of which is far more than the other Paramecium genomes by next-generation sequencing. This demonstrates the superiority of the third generation sequencing in the assembly of Paramecium genomes. As one of the oldest branches of Paramecium species, P. duboscqui is highly similar to the other Paramecium species in the intron length, intron conserved motif, and intergenic region length [4]. However, the GC content of P. duboscqui is higher than the other Paramecium species, which was reflected in the difference of codon usage pattern. The Ks value distribution indicated that P. duboscqui and P. tetraurelia shared a common WGD event during their early evolution [6].

Previous studies have shown that changes in salinity can have wide-ranging effects on cells, particularly in the ER where high salt conditions have been found to disrupt protein homeostasis, redox homeostasis, and calcium homeostasis [48,49,50,51]. All of these conditions lead to misfolding or denaturation of proteins in the ER. When the protein folding burden of the ER exceeds its folding capacity, cells typically express chaperones to increase the folding capacity of the ER, along with other proteins to stall most protein translation processes and accelerate protein degradation, collectively referred to as the unfolded protein response (UPR) [52]. Maintaining ER homeostasis must therefore play a central role in P. duboscqui adaptation to different salinity environments.

The P. duboscqui differential gene expression and WGCNA analyses produced a concise list of genes involved in the response to different salinities, along with putative functions for many of these genes in a variety of metabolic pathways. Here, we present a model for how these genes work together in response to high salinity environments (Fig. 8). Upon encountering a high salt environment, expression of genes coding for transcription factors, such as the MYB family of proteins, are increased to promote the expression of additional genes. These positively regulated target genes likely encode some or all of the following proteins and protein functions: (1) NHEs, which are responsible for the extrusion of sodium ions to maintain ion homeostasis at high salt concentrations; (2) CTP (phospho-ethanolamine cytidyltransferase), which is involved in salt-dependent adjustment of the membrane lipid composition in order to maintain cell membrane fluidity; (3) proteins involved in oxygen respiration, to promote the redox reactions needed to provide energy for maintaining cell homeostasis; (4) ER chaperones and cytosolic HSR (heat shock response) proteins, to repair cellular proteins that become denatured in the high-salt environment; (5) glutathione-dependent detoxification proteins needed to manage the oxidative stress induced by high salt conditions; (6) genes involved in cGMP-dependent signal transduction, which can stimulate additional gene expression. Many of these genes also show a corresponding downregulation under low salt conditions, further highlighting their roles in the adaptation of P. duboscqui to varying salt conditions.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Schematic representation of biological pathways in P. duboscqui affected by different salinities


In the current study, we used both Illumina and PacBio sequencing technologies to assemble a complete and high-quality MAC genome of the representative euryhaline Paramecium duboscqui. The genome of this species is extraordinarily rich in coding sequences and has undergone at least one round of WGD, making it an ideal model to study ciliate genome expansion and contraction events. When facing changes in environmental salinity, P. duboscqui increases transcription of genes needed for ion exchange, cell membrane fluidity, respiration, and glutathione-dependent detoxification, making it one of the rare halotolerant eukaryotic microorganisms. Our study provides a unique and valuable resource on Paramecium biology and establishes the genomic tools needed for future discoveries in this unique model organism.


Sample collection and cultivation

P. duboscqui cells were collected from marine water habitat in Weihai, Shandong, China (122° 1′ 30′ N; 37° 30′ 43′ E; 26 °C), isolated under the stereomicroscope, and then washed several times with sterilized seawater. Species identification was conducted using morphological characteristics and SSU rRNA gene sequencing. Clonal cultures were established using Klebsiella pneumoniae cells as the food source at 20 °C. After 4–5 days of culture, the population density reached 3000 cells/ml of medium.

Nucleic acid isolation and sequencing

P. duboscqui cells were isolated through nylon filter membrane and washed three times by Tris–HCl (pH 7.5). DNA extraction was carried out using the MasterPure™ Complete DNA & RNA Purification Kit following the manufacturer’s instructions (Qiagen, Germany). Approximately 300,000 cells were harvested and generated 30 μg DNA for PacBio HiFi sequencing. PacBio single-molecule real-time (SMRT) bell library preparation was performed using SMRTbell® Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 (Pacific Biosciences, PN 101–853-100) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The library was prepared for sequencing on the Sequel II/IIe system to create a 30 h Movie file (Pacific Biosciences, CA, USA).

In addition, the Illumina paired-end sequencing libraries were generated using the NEB Next® Ultra™ DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (NEB, USA) following the manufacturer’s recommendations. The DNA libraries were sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform, and 150 bp paired-end reads were generated.

For the transcriptome, P. duboscqui total RNA and RNA from cells grown at different salinities (0‰, 5‰, 30‰) over 30 days were extracted after 2 h of starvation with TRIzol Reagent (Molecular Research Center, Inc., USA), and sequencing libraries were generated using NEBNext® UltraTM RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina® (NEB, USA) following manufacturer’s recommendations. The library preparations were sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform, and 150 bp paired-end reads were generated.

Genome assembly

We first utilized the Fastp (v0.23.1) [53] software to filter out low-quality and adapter sequence from raw Illumina DNA reads. The Jellyfish (v2.01) [54] and GenomeScope (v2.0) [55] software with parameter (K-mer = 17) were used to estimate genome size and heterozygosity. MAC genome was assembled using Canu (v2.2) [56] with parameters (-pacbio-hifi, GenomeSize = 25 M). Mitochondrial and bacterial genome sequences were downloaded from GenBank as databases to remove contamination caused by mitochondria or bacteria. The contigs assembled by Canu with tag “suggestBubble = yes” or “suggestRepeat = yes” were regarded as redundant sequences and were eliminated. The clean PacBio and Illumina DNA reads were aligned to the P. duboscqui genome using the minimap2 (v2.26) [57] software and Bowtie2 (v2.5.2) [58] with default parameters, respectively. Due to the peculiarity of the short introns in Paramecium species, we compiled the source code of Hisat2 (v2.1.1) [59] to guarantee more accurate intron prediction. The clean RNA reads were aligned to the P. duboscqui genome using Hisat2 with parameter (–min-intronlen 9). Telomeres were detected using a custom Python script that recognized the telomere repeat 6-mer 5′-(C4A2)n-3′ or 5′-(T2G4)n-3′ at the ends of contigs. BUSCO (v5.4) was used to assess the genome completeness with default parameters.

Gene prediction and annotation

Somatic MAC genome assembly of P. duboscqui was annotated through the following pipeline. First, the repetitive sequence families were predicted using Repeatmoldeler [60]. Second, transcriptome reads were aligned to the MAC genome by Hisat2 and were assembled to transcripts using Trinity (v2.15.1) [61]. Third, the exact locations of introns were predicted using Truc (v1.1). Finally, the protein sequences of P. tetraurelia were selected as homologous proteins, and gene models were predicted by Eugene (v1.5), combined with repetitive sequence families, transcripts, homologous proteins, and intron positions as input. All protein-coding genes were annotated using six databases: NR, SwissProt, eggNOG, and Interpro, GO, and KEGG. The tRNA and other ncRNA genes were detected in the MAC genome by tRNAscan-SE (v1.3.1) and Rfam (v11.0) [62], respectively.

Phylogenetic analysis

OrthoFinder (v2.5.4) [63] was used to infer orthogroups based on 17 ciliate protein sequences with parameters (-M msa -S diamond) (Additional file 2: Table S17). Sequences in each orthogroup were aligned using MAFFT (–auto), trimmed with TrimAl (v1.2) (-automated1) and concatenated [64]. A supermatrix containing 267,094 amino acid sites was then generated. Phylogenies were inferred by both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) methods implemented in the RAXML (v8.2.12) [65] (model = LG + Γ + F, rate categories = 4, bootstrap = 1000) and PHYLOBAYES MPI 1.5a (model = CAT − GTR + Γ, chains = 4, generations = 10,000, Maxdiff < 0.3, burn-in = 10%) [66], respectively. Phylogenomic trees were visualized using MEGA (v7.0.20) [67]. Divergence times were estimated using r8s (v1.81) [68]. Calibration times were obtained on the TimeTree website ( showing that the divergence time between Tetrahymena thermophila and P. tetraurelia was 918 Ma.

Orthology analysis

OrthoFinder was used to infer orthogroups based on 17 ciliate species, and a total of 417,878 (95.81%) of 436,163 genes were assigned to 60,220 orthogroups. Among them, 2921 orthogroups were considered CCOs, as they were detected in 13 species.

CAFE (v4.0) [69] was used to determine gene family evolution among P. duboscqui and the related ciliates based on the results of OrthoFinder and the ultrametric tree extracted by r8s. Among the 4501 orthogroups in P. duboscqui, we detected 3553 contraction events (involving 1507 genes) and 948 expansion events (involving 4273 genes).

WGDI (v0.54) was used with default parameters to detect gene duplication events in P. duboscqui and P. tetraurelia.

Codon usage bias

The index of codon usage bias was calculated using BCAWT (Bio Codon Analysis Workflow Tool) [36]. Codetta (version 2.0) was used to predict the genetic code from nucleotide sequence data [70].

Growth rate at different salinity levels

We set up 7 consecutive salinities (Salinity‰ = 0.030 + 1.8050Cl‰) gradients between 0‰ and 30‰, with three parallel experiments for each group during one month. The volume of each culture flask was controlled at 200 ml, and the initiation number was about 200 cells per ml. Escherichia coli was provided as food. We cultivated for 30 days to acquire growth curves of P. duboscqui. As a result, the optimum growth rate was determined to be 5‰ salinity. We grew cells at 0‰ (the minimum salinity), 5‰ (the optimum salinity), and 30‰ (the maximal salinity) with three replicates for the following RNA-seq.

Transcriptome sequencing and functional enrichment analysis

We performed the following standard processing protocol on gene expression data for P. duboscqui grown in different salinities (0‰, 5‰, 30‰). The clean data reads were aligned to the P. duboscqui genome using the Hisat2 (v2.1.1) software with parameter (–min-intronlen 9). FeatureCounts (v1.3.1) [71] was then employed to determine the count of reads aligned to each gene in the reference genome. Subsequently, the functions variance-stabilizing transformation (VST) and principal component analysis (PCA) in DESeq2 were used to normalize count data and evaluate the similarity among samples. Differential expression analysis was conducted using the DESeq2 [72]. According to the expression criterion (|log2fold change|≥ 1) and a p-adj value < 0.05, we detected differentially expressed genes in the comparisons of 5‰ vs. 0‰ and 5‰ vs. 30‰, respectively.

The GO and KEGG function enricher in the R package “clusterProfiler” (v3.12.0) ( were used to perform enrichment analysis. Cytoscape ( was used to visualize the network.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets presented in this study can be found in National Center for Biotechnology Information Database with accession number shown in Additional file: Table S17. All Paramecium information can be found in ParameciumDB [73].

Data availability

No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.







High fidelity


Ciliate core orthogroup


Whole genome duplication


Synonymous substitution rates


Relative synonymous codon usage


Effective number of codons


Differentially expressed genes


Reactive oxygen species


Salt overly sensitive


Cysteine peptidase


Growth factor receptor


Glutathione peroxidase


Serine/threonine protein kinase


Na + /H + exchanger


Diacylglycerol kinase




Sugar transporter protein


Weighted gene coexpression network analysis


Median absolute deviation


Unfolded protein response


Single-molecule real-time


Bio Codon Analysis Workflow Tool


Variance-stabilizing transformation


Principal component analysis


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We acknowledge the computing resources provided on IEMB-1, a high-performance computing cluster operated by the Institute of Evolution and Marine Biodiversity (Ocean University of China). Our thanks are due to Prof. Weibo Song (Ocean University of China) for his kind help and advice on preparing the manuscript. We also would like to thank Dr. Mingzhen Ma (Shandong University, China), Mr. Zhiwei Wen (Shandong University, China) and Ms. Congjun Li (Shandong University, China) for their help in experiment assistance.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (project number: 31772431).

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Y.F., F.L. and Y.Z. performed the analysis. Y.F., N.P. and Y.Z. performed experiments. Y.F. wrote the original draft. N.A.S. and L.L. revised the manuscript. L.L. did the conceptualization, review & editing the manuscript, and funding acquisition. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Lifang Li.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Supplementary Information


Additional file 1: Figs. S1-S13: Fig. S1. Photomicrographs of P. duboscqui from cells in vivo (A, C) and after staining (B, D, E). Fig. S2. This diagram illustrates the workflow employed for the genome assembly and annotation of P. duboscqui in this study. Fig. S3. The estimation of P. duboscqui genome size. Fig. S4. The GC content of P. duboscqui genome. Fig. S5. Weblogo plot of 22~26 bp intron of P. duboscqui. Fig. S6. Phylogenomic tree estimated from a concatenated dataset of 36,900 orthogroups by maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) methods. Fig. S7. GO term analysis on extracted gene of P. duboscqui. Fig. S8. GO term enrichment analysis on high salinity DEGs gene of P. duboscqui. Fig. S9. KEGG enrichment analysis on high salinity DEGs gene of P. duboscqui. Fig. S10. GO term enrichment analysis on low salinity DEGs gene of P. duboscqui. Fig. S11. GO term enrichment analysis on low salinity DEGs gene of P. duboscqui. Fig. S12. Scale-free topological analysis to determine optimal beta and co-expression matrix and module determination for WGCNA. Fig. S13. Construction of gene dendrograms and module colors for identifying co-expression modules in WGCNA.


Additional file 2: Tables S1-S17: Table S1. Statistics for the sequencing data of the P. duboscqui genome. Table S2. Estimation of genome size and heterozygosity. Table S3. Features from different assembly strategies used for the P. duboscqui genome. Table S4. Result of BUSCO for P. duboscqui genome and the other closely related species. Table S5. The number of telomeres in the MAC genome of Paramecium. Table S6. Result of BUSCO for P. duboscqui proteins. Table S7. 17 typical ciliate species for comparative genomic analyses. Table S8. 17 Paramecium and 4 Tetrahymena species for comparative genomic analyses. Table S9. The codon table of P. duboscqui. Table S10. Nucleotide composition of Paramecium. Table S11. The putative optimal codons of Paramecium. Table S12. The average ENC value of Paramecium. Table S13. The slope of Neutrality plot of Paramecium. Table S14. GO term functional annotation. Table S15. Annotation of genes involved in RT-qPCR. Table S16. Primer sequence of genes involved in RT-qPCR. Table S17. The accession number of ciliate species.

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Fu, Y., Ni, P., Zhang, Y. et al. The genome and comparative transcriptome of the euryhaline model ciliate Paramecium duboscqui reveal adaptations to environmental salinity. BMC Biol 22, 237 (2024).

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