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  1. The development of cotton fiber is regulated by the orchestrated binding of regulatory proteins to cis-regulatory elements associated with developmental genes. The cis–trans regulatory dynamics occurred throughou...

    Authors: Yu Bao, Yangyang Wei, Yuling Liu, Jingjing Gao, Shuang Cheng, Guanqing Liu, Qi You, Peng Liu, Quanwei Lu, Pengtao Li, Shulin Zhang, Nan Hu, Yangshuo Han, Shuo Liu, Yuechao Wu, Qingqing Yang…
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:165
  2. Individual functional modifications shape the ability of wildlife populations to cope with anthropogenic environmental changes. But instead of adaptive response, human-altered environments can generate a succe...

    Authors: Clément Car, André Gilles, Elen Goujon, Marie-Laure Delignette Muller, Luc Camoin, Sandrine Frelon, Pablo Burraco, Samuel Granjeaud, Emilie Baudelet, Stéphane Audebert, Germán Orizaola, Jean Armengaud, Arthur Tenenhaus, Imène Garali, Jean-Marc Bonzom and Olivier Armant
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:164
  3. Smell abilities differ greatly among vertebrate species due to distinct sensory needs, with exceptional variability reported in the number of olfactory genes and the size of the odour-processing regions of the...

    Authors: Demian Burguera, Francesco Dionigi, Kristina Kverková, Sylke Winkler, Thomas Brown, Martin Pippel, Yicheng Zhang, Maxwell Shafer, Annika L. A. Nichols, Eugene Myers, Pavel Němec and Zuzana Musilova
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:163
  4. Deceptive alternative mating tactics are commonly maintained at low frequencies within populations because males using them are less competitive and acquire lower fitness than those using dominant tactics. How...

    Authors: Maria J. Albo, Camila Pavón-Peláez, Mauro Martínez Villar, Bruno A. Buzatto and Ivanna Tomasco
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:162
  5. Pennisetum giganteum (AABB, 2n = 4x = 28) is a C4 plant in the genus Pennisetum with origin in Africa but currently also grown in Asia and America. It is a crucial forage and potential energy grass with significa...

    Authors: Longsheng Xing, Meijia Wang, Qiang He, Hongyu Zhang, Hanfei Liang, Qinghong Zhou, Yu Liu, Ze Liu, Yu Wang, Cailian Du, Yao Xiao, Jianan Liu, Wei Li, Guixia Liu and Huilong Du
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:161
  6. Conversion or editing of adenosine (A) into inosine (I) catalyzed by specialized cellular enzymes represents one of the most common post-transcriptional RNA modifications with emerging connection to disease. A...

    Authors: Fang Wang, Huifen Cao, Qiu Xia, Ziheng Liu, Ming Wang, Fan Gao, Dongyang Xu, Bolin Deng, Yong Diao and Philipp Kapranov
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:160
  7. Neurotransmitter release depends on the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane and is mainly mediated by SNARE complex assembly. During the transition of Munc18-1/Syntaxin-1 to the SNARE com...

    Authors: Xianping Wang, Jihong Gong, Le Zhu, Huidan Chen, Ziqi Jin, Xiaoqiang Mo, Shen Wang, Xiaofei Yang and Cong Ma
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:158
  8. Aphids are common crop pests. These insects reproduce by facultative parthenogenesis involving several rounds of clonal reproduction interspersed with an occasional sexual cycle. Furthermore, clonal aphids giv...

    Authors: Thomas C. Mathers, Roland H. M. Wouters, Sam T. Mugford, Roberto Biello, Cock van Oosterhout and Saskia A. Hogenhout
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:157
  9. Prime editing (PE) is the most recent gene editing technology able to introduce targeted alterations to the genome, including single base pair changes, small insertions, and deletions. Several improvements to ...

    Authors: N. Dirkx, Wout J. Weuring, E. De Vriendt, N. Smal, J. van de Vondervoort, Ruben van ’t Slot, M. Koetsier, N. Zonnekein, Tim De Pooter, S. Weckhuysen and B. P. C. Koeleman
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:156
  10. Adenine base editors (ABEs) are promising therapeutic gene editing tools that can efficiently convert targeted A•T to G•C base pairs in the genome. However, the large size of commonly used ABEs based on SpCas9...

    Authors: Yuqiang Qian, Di Wang, Wenchao Niu, Ding Zhao, Jinze Li, Zhiquan Liu, Xun Gao, Yang Han, Liangxue Lai and Zhanjun Li
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:155
  11. The standard evolutionary theory of ageing proposes that ageing occurs because of a trade-off between reproduction and longevity. Eusocial insect queens exhibit positive fecundity-longevity associations and so...

    Authors: David H. Collins, David C. Prince, Jenny L. Donelan, Tracey Chapman and Andrew F. G. Bourke
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:153
  12. Rodents utilize chemical cues to recognize and avoid other conspecifics infected with pathogens. Infection with pathogens and acute inflammation alter the repertoire and signature of olfactory stimuli emitted ...

    Authors: Jan Weiss, Hélène Vacher, Anne-Charlotte Trouillet, Trese Leinders-Zufall, Frank Zufall and Pablo Chamero
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:152
  13. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) accelerates atherosclerosis, but the mechanisms remain unclear. Tyrosine sulfation has been recognized as a key post-translational modification (PTM) in regulation of various cellu...

    Authors: Daopeng Dai, Zhengbin Zhu, Hui Han, Tian Xu, Shuo Feng, Wenli Zhang, Fenghua Ding, Ruiyan Zhang and Jinzhou Zhu
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:151
  14. Biological aging is an important factor leading to the development of pathologies associated with metabolic dysregulation, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Telo...

    Authors: Xue Liu, Ahmed Elagamy Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil, Uthayakumar Muthukumarasamy, Yasuhiro Onogi, Xiaocheng Yan, Inderjeet Singh, Elena Lopez-Gonzales, Andreas Israel, Alberto Cebrian Serrano, Till Strowig and Siegfried Ussar
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:150
  15. Some dendrobatid poison frogs sequester the toxin epibatidine as a defense against predators. We previously identified an amino acid substitution (S108C) at a highly conserved site in a nicotinic acetylcholine...

    Authors: Julia M. York, Cecilia M. Borghese, Andrew A. George, David C. Cannatella and Harold H. Zakon
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:144
  16. Epigenetic processes are proposed to be a mechanism regulating gene expression during phenotypic plasticity. However, environmentally induced changes in DNA methylation exhibit little-to-no association with di...

    Authors: Samuel N. Bogan, Marie E. Strader and Gretchen E. Hofmann
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:149
  17. Unidirectional regeneration in the basal chordate Ciona intestinalis involves the proliferation of adult stem cells residing in the branchial sac vasculature and the migration of progenitor cells to the site of d...

    Authors: William R. Jeffery, Bo Li, Mandy Ng, Lianwei Li, Špela Gorički and Li Ma
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:148
  18. Mesophotic coral communities are increasingly gaining attention for the unique biological diversity they host, exemplified by the numerous mesophotic fish species that continue to be discovered. In contrast, m...

    Authors: J. C. Gijsbers, N. Englebert, K. E. Prata, M. Pichon, Z. Dinesen, R. Brunner, G. Eyal, F. L. González-Zapata, S. E. Kahng, K. R. W. Latijnhouwers, P. Muir, V. Z. Radice, J. A. Sánchez, M. J. A. Vermeij, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, S. J. Jacobs…
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:147
  19. The mammalian retina contains an autonomous circadian clock that controls various aspects of retinal physiology and function, including dopamine (DA) release by amacrine cells. This neurotransmitter plays a cr...

    Authors: Chaimaa Kinane, Hugo Calligaro, Antonin Jandot, Christine Coutanson, Nasser Haddjeri, Mohamed Bennis and Ouria Dkhissi-Benyahya
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:146
  20. Transposable elements (TEs) can represent one of the major sources of genomic variation across eukaryotes, providing novel raw materials for species diversification and innovation. While considerable effort ha...

    Authors: Jacopo Martelossi, Filippo Nicolini, Simone Subacchi, Daniela Pasquale, Fabrizio Ghiselli and Andrea Luchetti
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:145
  21. How stem cell populations are organized and regulated within adult tissues is important for understanding cancer origins and for developing cell replacement strategies. Paradigms such as mammalian gut stem cel...

    Authors: Zhi Dong, Lan Pang, Zhiguo Liu, Yifeng Sheng, Xiaoping Li, Xavier Thibault, Amy Reilein, Daniel Kalderon and Jianhua Huang
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:143
  22. Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack, commonly called orange jessamine in the family Rutaceae, is an important ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical regions which is famous for its strong fragrance. Although genom...

    Authors: Tianyu Yang, Xin Yin, Haotong Kang, Danni Yang, Xingyu Yang, Yunqiang Yang and Yongping Yang
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:142
  23. The harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), native to Asia, has been introduced to other major continents where it has caused serious negative impacts on local biodiversity. Though notab...

    Authors: Hongran Li, Yan Peng, Yansong Wang, Bryce Summerhays, Xiaohan Shu, Yumary Vasquez, Hannah Vansant, Christy Grenier, Nicolette Gonzalez, Khyati Kansagra, Ryan Cartmill, Edison Ryoiti Sujii, Ling Meng, Xuguo Zhou, Gábor L. Lövei, John J. Obrycki…
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:141
  24. Insects rely on chemosensory perception, mainly olfaction, for the location of mates, food sources, and oviposition sites. Plant-released volatile compounds guide herbivorous insects to search for and locate t...

    Authors: Jiali Wang, Jiaqi Wei, Ting Yi, Ya-Ya Li, Tian Xu, Li Chen and Hanhong Xu
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:140
  25. Explaining the emergence of the hallmarks of bilaterians is a central focus of evolutionary developmental biology—evodevo—and evolutionary genomics. For this purpose, we must both expand and also refine our kn...

    Authors: Sébastien Santini, Quentin Schenkelaars, Cyril Jourda, Marc Duchesne, Hassiba Belahbib, Caroline Rocher, Marjorie Selva, Ana Riesgo, Michel Vervoort, Sally P. Leys, Laurent Kodjabachian, André Le Bivic, Carole Borchiellini, Jean-Michel Claverie and Emmanuelle Renard
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:139
  26. The influence of diet on immune function and resistance to enteric infection and disease is becoming ever more established. Highly processed, refined diets can lead to inflammation and gut microbiome dysbiosis...

    Authors: Angela H. Valente, Karen M. R. Jensen, Laura J. Myhill, Ling Zhu, Caroline M. J. Mentzel, Lukasz Krych, Henrik T. Simonsen, Josue L. Castro-Mejía, Alex Gobbi, Knud Erik Bach Knudsen, Dennis S. Nielsen, Stig M. Thamsborg and Andrew R. Williams
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:138
  27. The development of nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) has revolutionized the study of biological tissues by enabling, e.g., the visualization and quantification of metabolic processes at subc...

    Authors: Anders Meibom, Florent Plane, Tian Cheng, Gilles Grandjean, Olivier Haldimann, Stephane Escrig, Louise Jensen, Jean Daraspe, Antonio Mucciolo, Damien De Bellis, Nils Rädecker, Cristina Martin-Olmos, Christel Genoud and Arnaud Comment
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:126
  28. Intracellular symbionts often undergo genome reduction, losing both coding and non-coding DNA in a process that ultimately produces small, gene-dense genomes with few genes. Among eukaryotes, an extreme exampl...

    Authors: Vojtečh Žárský, Anna Karnkowska, Vittorio Boscaro, Morelia Trznadel, Thomas A. Whelan, Markus Hiltunen-Thorén, Ioana Onut-Brännström, Cathryn L. Abbott, Naomi M. Fast, Fabien Burki and Patrick J. Keeling
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:137
  29. Snake venoms are trophic adaptations that represent an ideal model to examine the evolutionary factors that shape polymorphic traits under strong natural selection. Venom compositional variation is substantial...

    Authors: Cara F. Smith, Zachary L. Nikolakis, Kathleen Ivey, Blair W. Perry, Drew R. Schield, Neil R. Balchan, Joshua Parker, Kirk C. Hansen, Anthony J. Saviola, Todd A. Castoe and Stephen P. Mackessy
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:136
  30. Based on their anatomical location, rostral projections of nuclei are classified as ascending circuits, while caudal projections are classified as descending circuits. Upper brainstem neurons participate in co...

    Authors: Peilin Zhao, Tao Jiang, Huading Wang, Xueyan Jia, Anan Li, Hui Gong and Xiangning Li
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:135
  31. Sapria himalayana (Rafflesiaceae) is an endoparasitic plant characterized by a greatly reduced vegetative body and giant flowers; however, the mechanisms underlying its special lifestyle and greatly altered plant...

    Authors: Xuelian Guo, Xiaodi Hu, Jianwu Li, Bingyi Shao, Yajun Wang, Long Wang, Kui Li, Dongliang Lin, Hanchen Wang, Zhiyuan Gao, Yuannian Jiao, Yingying Wen, Hongyu Ji, Chongbo Ma, Song Ge, Wenkai Jiang…
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:134
  32. With the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, and the dwindling reserves of easily exploitable fossil fuel, microalgae-based biofuels that can be used for transport systems and CO2 abatement have attracted gre...

    Authors: Baoyan Gao, Meng Xu, Dai Shan, Chi Zhang, Yulan Yang, Zhensheng Dong, Hu Zhang, Boping Han, Luodong Huang and Chengwu Zhang
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:133
  33. Non-invasive recordings of gross neural activity in humans often show responses to omitted stimuli in steady trains of identical stimuli. This has been taken as evidence for the neural coding of prediction or ...

    Authors: Ryszard Auksztulewicz, Vani Gurusamy Rajendran, Fei Peng, Jan Wilbert Hendrik Schnupp and Nicol Spencer Harper
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:130
  34. Common seadragons (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus, Syngnathidae) are an emblem of the diverse endemic fauna of Australia’s southern rocky reefs, the newly recognized “Great Southern Reef.” A lack of assessments spannin...

    Authors: Josefin Stiller, Nerida G. Wilson and Greg W. Rouse
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:129
  35. Circular RNA (circRNA) molecules, generated through non-canonical back-splicing of exon-exon junctions, have recently been implicated in diverse biological functions including transcriptional regulation and mo...

    Authors: Michelle E. Watts, Marika Oksanen, Sanna Lejerkrans, Francesca Mastropasqua, Myriam Gorospe and Kristiina Tammimies
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:127
  36. Information on common markers of metabolic resistance in malaria vectors from countries sharing similar eco-climatic characteristics can facilitate coordination of malaria control. Here, we characterized popul...

    Authors: Sulaiman S. Ibrahim, Abdullahi Muhammad, Jack Hearn, Gareth D. Weedall, Sanjay C. Nagi, Muhammad M. Mukhtar, Amen N. Fadel, Leon J. Mugenzi, Edward I. Patterson, Helen Irving and Charles S. Wondji
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:125
  37. The axonemal microtubules of primary cilium undergo a conserved protein posttranslational modification (PTM) — polyglutamylation. This reversible procedure is processed by tubulin tyrosine ligase-like polyglut...

    Authors: Yujuan Wang, Yuan Zhang, Xinyu Guo, Yiqiang Zheng, Xinjie Zhang, Shanshan Feng and Hui-Yuan Wu
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:124
  38. Changes in gene expression levels during brain development are thought to have played an important role in the evolution of human cognition. With the advent of high-throughput sequencing technologies, changes ...

    Authors: Weifen Sun, Gangcai Xie, Xi Jiang, Philipp Khaitovich, Dingding Han and Xiling Liu
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:123
  39. The factors that maintain phenotypic and genetic variation within a population have received long-term attention in evolutionary biology. Here the genetic basis and evolution of the geographically widespread v...

    Authors: Guilian Huang, Wei Wu, Yongmei Chen, Xueke Zhi, Peishan Zou, Zulin Ning, Qiang Fan, Ying Liu, Shulin Deng, Kai Zeng and Renchao Zhou
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:122
  40. The ShK toxin from Stichodactyla helianthus has established the therapeutic potential of sea anemone venom peptides, but many lineage-specific toxin families in Actiniarians remain uncharacterised. One such pepti...

    Authors: Lauren M. Ashwood, Khaled A. Elnahriry, Zachary K. Stewart, Thomas Shafee, Muhammad Umair Naseem, Tibor G. Szanto, Chloé A. van der Burg, Hayden L. Smith, Joachim M. Surm, Eivind A. B. Undheim, Bruno Madio, Brett R. Hamilton, Shaodong Guo, Dorothy C. C. Wai, Victoria L. Coyne, Matthew J. Phillips…
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:121
  41. The regulation of glycolysis and autophagy during feeding and metamorphosis in holometabolous insects is a complex process that is not yet fully understood. Insulin regulates glycolysis during the larval feedi...

    Authors: Xin-Le Kang, Yan-Xue Li, Du-Juan Dong, Jin-Xing Wang and Xiao-Fan Zhao
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:119
  42. Pseudozyma flocculosa is a highly efficient biocontrol agent (BCA) of powdery mildews whose mode of action remains elusive. It is known to secrete unique effectors during its interaction with powdery mildews but ...

    Authors: Parthasarathy Santhanam, Mst Hur Madina, Fernanda Matias Albuini, Caroline Labbé, Luciano Gomes Fietto and Richard R. Bélanger
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:118
  43. A fraction of all genomes is composed of transposable elements (TEs) whose mobility needs to be carefully controlled. In gonads, TE activity is repressed by PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), a class of small RNA...

    Authors: Amna Asif-Laidin, Karine Casier, Zoheir Ziriat, Antoine Boivin, Elise Viodé, Valérie Delmarre, Stéphane Ronsseray, Clément Carré and Laure Teysset
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:117
  44. Post mortem human brain tissue is an essential resource to study cell types, connectivity as well as subcellular structures down to the molecular setup of the central nervous system especially with respect to the...

    Authors: Sarah Woelfle, Dhruva Deshpande, Simone Feldengut, Heiko Braak, Kelly Del Tredici, Francesco Roselli, Karl Deisseroth, Jens Michaelis, Tobias M. Boeckers and Michael Schön
    Citation: BMC Biology 2023 21:113
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